

This evening my school hosted the annual Christmas concert.
Contrary to popular belief, the event was not a disaster. That's an exaggeration. It probably was a "disa". Maybe a "ster".
But it really wasn't that bad.

Okay, so the sound was ricocheting off the rafters and producing bad quality sound.
Maybe the venue that we chose only held 400 people and around 475 came, resulting in an overcrowded lobby and people being forced to stand in the back and trickle into the aisles.
It's possible that the stage was so tiny that each performance (five) had to rearrange the stage, chairs, etc., after every performance resulting in at least 20 minutes between pieces.
I might even say that me and every single person that had solos, screwed it up major and therefore ruined the piece for at least 4 bars!... (It was actually only me).
My criticism might extend to pick on some of the members of the band that could not find it in themselves to shut their mouths between pieces and calm themselves.

What am I saying. It was really that bad.
(Other than band, I didn't listen to any performance, so I'm not bashin' (bashing) them. I'm just simply commenting on the part of the evening that I did see. So please don't shoot my criticizing fingers tomorrow because I'm still afraid of veins.)

1 comment:

S¥DNEY SMITH said...

your words lie
