
The Boringest Thing I've Ever Posted

Two days ago I woke up at around 11:23 am and I lay in bed for around 15 minutes making it 11:38 am when I actually got out of bed. I then checked my cellular phone but I had no text messages, so I put it back on my desk after I turned the ringer on.

Then I walked out to the kitchen where my mother and sister were, but since it was Friday my father was at work and my brother was at school.
I had a really eventful breakfast consisting of peanut butter on toast and Earl Grey tea and then when I was done, I took my plate back to the kitchen and washed it because I`m a good child.

I read Eclipse for around 3 hours, making it 3 pm when I put it down on my nightstand. I got to around page 283. I got up and then made my lunch in the empty house because my mother had taken my sister to pick up my brother from school. I made a sandwich with left over chicken from the night before and some lettuce and tomatoes that I cut. The bread that I used was whole grain but it tasted a lot like white bread so I became suspicious. I checked the ingredients on the bread bag and, believe it or not, there was white flour in it. I was going to call the bread company but decided against it.

Then I continued to read Eclipse, and almost finished it. I got to the Epilogue and then put it down. By then it was 8:29 pm. I put it down to save the Epilogue for the next day. Then I went to bed after having a shower and using Herbal Essences to wash my hair. I also used Colgate Mint Expression Toothpaste. When I got into bed I marveled at the fact that I was there just 9.5 hours ago.

You know, some people`s blogs are actually like this.
Tada! The boringest thing I`ve ever posted.

1 comment:

chilldude22 said...

wooooooowww. thats one very long day
AKA super mega chill one of the coolest days ever.
