
Loud People

It always amazes me when my class gets out of hand, yelling and throwing things across the room, and someone cuts through all the noise with one well placed, powerful "SHH!"Everyone hears it which is ironic-ish? because the actual sound of "shh" means be quiet, and making the sound usually does the exact opposite in a classroom situation. After the chouchou "shh's" everyone, (tongue twister?), it's quiet for about half a second and then it's broken by loud cries of "WOW TEACHERS PET" or "THAT WAS A LOUD SHH!"So it's probably better to not even make the sound shh, even if you're doing it quiet, because it just annoys people and has no effect.

Another thing that I always notice is that when tests are passed back to students, there is always atleast three students who feel the need to quietly yet wanting-you-to-hear say "YESSSSSSSSSSS". It sounds more like a hiss, really, and it's extremely annoying.
Especially if you received your test with a large red C- circled in thick marker multiple times on it. Then you just want to slap those people repeatedly across the face with some organic material like a salmon or an apple.

So like I've told you before the Sims 3 comes out tomorrow. On the 20th. You have no idea how angry I am that my computer doesn't work. I wake up early in the morning at like 6:30 (a.m., not p.m.) and get ready really fast and then run to the bus station. I arrive at school around 7:30 which is just enough time to write a blog post and check my Facebook in the school computer lab. I wonder if Mr. Lu would let me put the Sims on a computer in the lab. I'll ask him.

I'm going to go watch a movie (sorry, I mean film).

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