

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Come on... it's Friday! You need to relax, 'cause you have a logn weekend ahead of you, filled with studying! No studying today.

Saturday, January 24th, 2009

Okay, I'll study in, like, half an hour.
Alright, it's been half and hour, but if I study now then I'll be distracted by iCarly so I'll just do it in 20 minutes.
Okay, 25 minutes have passed and my Math binder is waiting... but I need to have a shower before 7 so my hair can dry so maybe in 15 minutes.
Oh, but now it's dinner and I can't miss that crucial family time so let's do that first, then I'll study.
Great! Time to study! What's that, Cameron? You need a bedtime story? Oh, okay, then... No, no, no, pick a longer story, hon...

Kay. No distractions, it's time to hit the books-- oh, well... it's 10 p.m. and I need a good nights rest this weekend so I can be prepared for exams, so I guess I'll go to sleep.

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Kay, today I really have to concentrate. Come on, Rebecca. Exams are really important. Let's go study. It's 12 p.m.
I'm out of bed, let's have some breakfast. We're studying at exactly 12:30.
12:30... alright... oh, wait! I need to do some chores or else my parents will get mad... kay, half and hour.
My Socials textbook is beckoning but before I study
I should relax a bit... It's ineffective to study when I'm all tensed up, I'll read Calvin and Hobbes for a few minutes.
Hey, let's play Brickbreaker...
Okay Rebecca. Now it's 8 p.m. It's 8 p.m., Rebecca. Your exams start tomorrow. It's 8 p.m. 3 hours until you go to sleep. Let's watch Lord Of The Rings!

So basically, this is how my weekend went. And now it's 8:00 at night, a day before my first exam. On a happier note... there is no happier note.
My situation is like a D minor chord. Ha-ha, band joke. You don't get it.


chilldude22 said...

whoa samesies
except all the situations are changed but the amount of studying that went on was the same

S¥DNEY SMITH said...

ive studied and made notes for everything but socials. and english. but you dont study for that one. well, there were some words i needed to know the definitions of but i left that at school. ad shiatsu i way realise enlighs exam is tomorrow. but whatever. all my exams are afternoon ones. or at least not morning. so i can sleep in everydya

alli do is party dun dun dun dun all i do is party dun dun dun dun
mstrkrft parties dun dun dun dun

annngelam said...

dont worry, i didnt study either ><

Unknown said...

This is sooooo T.J. I'm sorry I took so long to read your blog! My commitment to the capitalist / industrial crushing of the sprit of the worker masses & dedication to gross profit margins demands my every waking moment in this our glorious season of the first quarter in the fiscal year of our lord mammon.
Pax Vobiscumb

Ha Ha- Catholic Latin religious stuff-you don't get it :)

Unknown said...

P.S. I totally stole this way of talking from my cousin Tim. He is WAY funnier than me...
