
Powdered Fruit

There's powdered milk, powdered hot chocolate, and powdered butter.
There is
even powdered meat.
We should make powdered fruit.

the other white meat!

Simply add to water, wait 6 hours until congealed to
a thick paste, then mold to form the shape of an apple!

If you're feeling creative, mold into fun shapes to persuade
children to eat their greens (which are actually red)!

Anyway, today at school it was snowing and we had a casual day since making us continue to wear our restricting uniforms would not only be annoying, but cruel.
It was snowin' (snowing) full blow in third block, so my friends and I went outside and had a snowball fight. This one child that was wearing a brown jacket, had glasses, and was in grade six
beat us all. I tackled him though and owned him severely, so it was all good.
Sydney and I attempted to roll a snowball down the hill so it would gather snow and momentum and hopefully bowl Michael over. Unsuccessful.
The fight continued on into lunch during which time we formed a gang (coincidentally we were all wearing black pea coats) and grabbed people and slammed them to the ground and shoved snow in their faces. It's not as bad as it sounds...
It is as bad as it sounds.


S¥DNEY SMITH said...

were such bullies but its okay cause it was only michael... and tim ...and shaun...repeatedly, we bully small asain

no jkkskssks thats so racist, but its not cause half of me can say that

so shoulda coulda woulda mauled julian, yeah, like what a bear does

oh shootnugget i actually had something good to say, whatevzz

S¥DNEY SMITH said...

oh right now i remember what this post was about

oh nevamihhnndd i dont have anythuing to say about fruit, other than it is delicious

i bought a whole bucket (well not me but mah padresss) a mini supa mini oranges today, like supa mini, like..the size of lets pretend a sepherical loonie and a phreical toonie were meshed togeth (the spherical ones, but its not like two, its like one combined, thats the size). so..a whole box totally futile, what about oranges that arent bred to be freaks hhuh huh?!?! its like teacup chihuahuas those tings couldnt lasta minute in da hood

like,seriously they would freeze their bottom dollar off
