
Is the Pope Catholic?

The world was shocked when Barack Obama, the president of the United States of America, asked if the pope was Catholic.

In an interview with renowned reporter Bill Doharry from Vanity Fair, it seemed to be going well. Obama, the 44th president, was relaxed and the mood was light. The interview took place in the White House, in the president's study. It was aired on television on March 5th.

When asked if he would be working to help solve the country's current economic crisis, Obama responded with a laugh, "Is the pope Catholic?"
Doharry chuckled and continued the interview somewhat warily. Those in the room (two of Obama's guards, Michelle Obama, and his new puppy) seemed shocked at his bluntly naive answer but said nothing.

After the interview, which was live, the phones in the White House started ringing like mad, said an unnamed source. All of them were shocked that Obama had the nerve to insinuate that the pope might not be Catholic. Most of the calls were hateful, although an organization that refused to name itself supported the president's suspicion and wished him well.

However, Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th Pope and Bishop of Rome, who lives in Rome, could not have been angrier. In a public statement about the accusation, the Pope said:

"I am absolutely outraged that the president of the United States, whom I had respected until this Friday past, could even think that I might not be Catholic. Of course I am Catholic. I'm the motherfucking Pope!"

In an attempt to quell the onlooking crowds, Benedict assured them that he would be "having a little talk" with Barack Obama.

How was Obama coping with the rising tide of haters and shocked Catholics all over the world? In a response statement to the current pope:
"By using the common saying Is the pope Catholic? I, in no way at all, meant to suggest that the pope is not Catholic. Of course I believe that the pope is Catholic; he wouldn't be the pope if he wasn't." He paused and said, with air quotes, "Does a bear shit in the woods?. Chill the fuck out, I got this."

Bears all over the world are outraged.

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