
Guitar Hero New Year

As 30 children ran amok through my four floor apartment building and 40 adults played games and danced to deep bass hip hop music upstairs, I sat in the building's community room playing Guitar Hero II. Occasionally, a ball would fly over my head and it would be followed by a bunch of boys racing to retrieve it. A girlish scream would ring out from the lobby followed by a boyish yell and echoing footsteps as they piled into the 300 year old elevator. Deafeningly loud music would float down the staircase when the door was opened by a frenzied adult trying to herd the children.
Normally people would be alarmed by this apparent havoc but I just continued to tear through an Aerosmith song, concentrating solely on that.

While I strained my fingers to the fast song, I started thinking about how stupid these games are. Most people say that it's even harder than actually playing the instrument. Why not just substitute the fake guitar or fake drum set for real ones? The game and console costs about as much as an actual instrument would.
Also, I've spent more hours playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band than I've spent playing my real guitar. You'd think it would help me somehow, finger dexterity or whatnot, but no. I'm still at the level that I was five years ago.

Happy new year!
I'm going to live for 365 consecutive days!

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